Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Trying It Again

Yes, I still want to try this blogging thing but its taking me awhile to get it going. Bear with me and I will try to do better. My problem is, I enjoy reading blogs but when it comes right down to my blog I think "why would anyone want to know that?" or who is going to ready it anyway? So then I just don't post.

I actually figured out how to change my background but you will notice I can't figure out how to change the little thingy that my music plays on. LOL But help is on the way!!!!!! Nate and Lynn are coming over for dinner tonight and Lynn already told me should would help me out (but this time I have to take handwritten notes). Hopefully we can pry the laptop out of Nate and Brian's hands for about 5 or 10 minutes!!!! So until next time... be safe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kimi...we are all anxiously awaiting the interesting information you are going to share with us. You're holding out on us!