Wednesday, September 15, 2010

This and That

Labor Day weekend we went to Bakersfield to spend some time with Brian's family. Aunt Steph had a birthday on September 2nd and I want to say a great big Happy Birthday to her. She's the best sister-in-law ever!!!

While we were there we had a nice time just visiting, bowling, and eating. We mostly ate ice cream. hahaha

I guess the Fletcher's got a new pet.. I saw this roaming the house a few times while we were there. She's so adorable!!

One day last week my son decided he wanted to work in the fields along with two other boys from our church. He said it was fun but was hard work... Hopefully it gave him a determination to finish school so he won't have to work so hard the rest of his life. I'm so proud of him for giving it a try.

We were able to attend Youth Alive this year. We took 14 up on Friday and 2 more came up on Saturday. What an awesome time!!!. The services were great. Knotts Berry Farm and spending time with friends was so much fun!! Here are a few pictures. I don't blog enough to know how to do this very well so bear with me. LOL

This is a pictures of the Mass Choir on Friday evening. I took this because Pam was singing in it. I know you can't see her but oh well.........

Some of the girls....

Some of the boys.....

I did take some pictures of the Singsperation but they are all blurry... go figure :))

Pam, Ryan and Brian wanted to ride the Xcelerator and I was not so sure about it.. Thank God for Teagan, who wasn't tall enough. I got to babysit. LOL

Teagan wanted oh so badly to ride that crazy ride.. The older I get the smarter I get. I used to not be afraid of any rides but any more I'm very cautious.
And last..... VIVIAN!!!! Isn't she beautiful??????

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